воскресенье, 18 марта 2012 г.

We're gonna partying

Today is a freaking relaxing day and  we have a shitty rain outside. And i feel so wicked because of it. When its gonna stop?
I'm gonna dye my hair tonight, I just feel a lil bit lazy abt it Lol
Today I saw so weird dream, it was about that i was going to somewhere and i was on the bus. The dream was weird since i had sad thoughts. I think i was outta mind.
I was so blue and i felt really disgusting. Guess why? Yeah because of Nichlas, again. Sigh.But when i woke up i felt much better, cause it was just a dream. And I'm here and everything is fine with me. So I don't wish to see/feel such dreams. I would better go outside ... but rain ... 

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